Looking for a tarot-reading in person or on-line?

My name is Shar Ruth and I’m a professional tarot reader and spiritual medium.  I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and work in Dutch and English. I’m originally from the UK.

Tarot readings

A tarot reading can help you find answers, insights and new perspectives around issues or challenges or issues you are facing in your life. Or prospects for the future, adice on decisions to be taken, etc. Tarot can give you good and honest advice and/or simply confirm your ideas about things. Or perhaps suggest a different path or choices. Often, just by sitting at a good tarot reader’s table you may have you fresh insights and receive healing spiritual vibes.

Tarot can also support your spiritual practice or inspire you to look into a spiritual practice at greater depth.  The cards can be seen as signposts on the spiritual journey of opening up and communicating with the wisdom and intelligence of the spiritual world. They can also be used as a source of inspiration in terms of personal development.

My readings combine knowledge based on study and experience with mediumship and  intuition. I mostly like to gradually enter into conversation with my clients and move towards conclusions together. A reading with me is almost always interactive.


How does a tarot reading work?

A reading consists of an interpretation of the cards that have appeared for the querent. You can ask a specific question, or just let the cards speak about the energy they sense around you. The cards will comment and advise on the issues they think are most important at that time. A full reading is an hour long and is almost always enough to examine anything which comes up that needs further discussion.

Readings at shops, festivals, parks or parties are much shorter and be taken as introductions to tarot and snapshots in time. See Agenda for mini-readings

